At Skymics we have come up with the solution that can help gardeners and farmers get the most out of their efforts by using sensors that monitor the necessary factors needed for growing a plant. We designed a self-contained, automatic, connected hydroponic growing environment by IOT. All it needs are some seeds, water and nutrient solution. The rest will be monitored and controlled by the application through the sensors. This solution can be used for different scales and variety of plantation.

To collect all data from the sensors placed in garden or farm and save them in a data base. This data includes the data from humidity, temperature, light and water nutrition sensors which are placed in the farm.

The data collected from the farm through the Monitoring Module and the vital specifications entered at the Scheduled and Planning Module will be compared here and necessary action will be taken by the system such as increase or decrease of the light, turning on/off heaters or the fans, adding more water or nutrition to the container, spraying water on plant, and even sending warning massages to the farmer using SMS or application installed on the mobile phone.

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This solution can be deployed to IBM Bluemix Cloud Platform.